Past Chapter Chairs

Thank you to the men and women who performed the duties of the office, defended the association and worked for the welfare of all ABC members. We greatly appreciate your time, dedication and involvement.

Wendell Towe, 1975
Phil Haddock, 1976
Gary Furlong, 1977
Harold Kunz, 1978
Jack Weaver, 1979
Richard Butler, 1980
John Bernhardt, 1981
John Tutty, 1982
Dennis Sinnet, Jr., 1983
Bob Nemmers, 1984
Carolyn Metzler, 1985
John C. Maus, 1986

David Jackson, 1987
Al Hamilton, 1988
Rex D. Wiederspahn, 1989/1995
Timothy D. Pleune, 1990
Bill Hinton, 1991
John Hawkins, 1992
James R. Sharp, 1993
Gary Brown, 1994
Steve Meyers, 1996
Luke Gentrup, 1997
René Gill, 1998
Carl W. Smith, 1999

Bob Piper, 2000
J.B. Wise, 2001
Dave Greiner, 2002
Paul Spreche, 2003
Kurt Kaltenbacher, 2004
Monte Robinett, 2005
Dennis Walker, 2006
Jeff Shigeno, 2007
Diane Miller, 2008
Randy Sewald, 2009
Paul O’Donnell, 2010

Dale Heter, 2011
Byron White, 2012
Jeff Erker, 2013
Brandon Berumen, 2014
Allan Bliesmer, 2015
Darren Hinton, 2016
Jason Maxwell, 2017
Robert Marceau, 2018
David Brooke, 2019
Shane Fobes, 2020
Kelly Eustace, 2021 – 2022
